About Me

My name is Kat Barcomb. I am an early childhood special education major and I am hoping to learn some of the best methods for children to gain knowledge about phonics and literacy-related subjects from this EDRE2204 course! 

I have been a student at Shawnee State University for four years now and have about two more years of coursework to complete before I graduate with my degree. I work summer weekdays as a day camp counselor for eleven to twelve year olds during the morning and afternoon, and on weekday evenings I work at Lowe's in the garden center. I love coffee, poetry, and stars. Yellow is my favorite color, and I have a 6 year old cat named Luna.

Reading and writing has always been a passion of mine, and I hope as an educator, I can help children discover a love they didn't even know they had for those pursuits. One of my dreams for my future classroom is to have a library full of books for my students to choose and read from. I believe reading and writing skills often serve to define success in other areas of academia, and I am looking forward to the skill set this class will be aiding me in developing.


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